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October 21, 2024

DLE Meetup: Become a Better Brainstormer with Improv Techniques: An Interactive Learning Experience

Register now for the Oct. 21 DLE Meetup and 75 minutes that will help you get out of your comfort zone, think quickly, generate ideas and genuinely connect with others

DLE super member Jacob Heath, a Level 3 improv performer who this month debuts at Boston’s Improv Asylum, will lead a hands-on program–Become a Better Brainstormer with Improv Techniques: An Interactive Learning Experiencestarting at 5:30 PM in the DLE HQ, 100 North St, Suite 402, Pittsfield. There is no fee to attend. 

This engaging program will provide a fun and collaborative approach for learning the fundamentals of improv and their applicability in today’s workplace where innovative thinking is highly valued. Participants will be coached by Jacob through several exercises that will help you:

  • learn to be fully present
  • acknowledge and understand others’ perspectives
  • respond effectively.

Harvard Business Review recognized improv techniques as a magnet for team success, noting that “everyone has a chance to talk. Members’ contributions are welcomed and valued, and participants collaborate and support one another as they work toward a common goal.” Read more how improv can unite teams by clicking here

Register now while seats are available by emailing dle@dulye.com. Attendance will be capped at 16 attendees to ensure an immersive and supportive experience.


A regular DLE Meetup attendee and discussion leader, Jacob Heath is an IT project manager at Sourcepass who is studying comedy at the Improv Asylum in Boston. As a level 3 student, he is readying to audition for the house teams which perform weekly.  Jacob began his improv studies four months ago and the experience has been personally and professionally transformative. He explains, “Improv has changed the way I think collaboratively and is an amazing way to let loose and work the creative muscle. I highly recommend trying it and breaking out of that comfort zone to see what’s on the other side.”

  • Attending the Breakfast Club for the first time, I felt so willing to be a part of the shared experiences that everyone gave in a personal way about their professional lives. There is nothing like the DLE in Brazil. - Lucas Valois, Marketing Analyst, GMC IST
  • Presenting to the Dulye Leadership Experience was particularly enjoyable because the eagerness, authenticity and connectedness of the community was so palpable.  In my experience, finding such a high level of realness and mutual appreciation is a rare thing.  Bravo to DLE on creating a community that really feels like community." - Karden Rabin, Founder of the Stress School and Boundless
  • For those looking to jumpstart career and personal goals this fall, I highly recommend the Dulye Leadership Experience. Linda Dulye has been a great mentor for me and many others since the beginning of this program in 2008." - David Bell, Chief of Staff, Wipro Limited
  • That weekend in the beautiful Berkshires of Massachusetts changed my life. Linda Dulye, as well as, the amazing people she assembled to create the Dulye Leadership Experience, help me find my passion. At the DLE I decided I wanted to become a financial advisor. Over the past two years, Linda and the DLE community have helped me achieved my goal. Now at the age of 24 years. I’m a fully licensed financial advisor studying for his CFA Level 1." - Marcus Coleman, Registered Client Service Associate, Raymond James
  • The DLE Gen Now will help you take your career to the next level, no matter which industry you are in, or how much experience you have. You will be inspired, challenged, and coached by a diverse network of professionals who can offer everything from leadership training to financial advice. You will leave the weekend motivated to prepared to be a better professional and person — and have a whole team of people in your corner, cheering you on and holding you accountable for years to come!" - Danielle Waugh, Investigative Reporter, WPEC
  • I don’t say this often, but the Dulye Leadership Experience was easily one of the most life-altering events to happen in my life. I knew I had the skills needed to be successful, but this weekend-long program was the catalyst for putting it all together and working in a way that allowed me to thrive in not only my professional life but my personal life as well. Over the course of a weekend, I learned how to sharpen my networking skills, be confident around others, learn to keep track of my finances, and how to collaborate and be a valued voice in the room." - Jesse Noll, Manager of Content & Experiences, Wavemaker
  • It never ceased to amaze me how the DLE has been a magnet for people all over the country; all of whom share a similar desire to build community, experience growth and give back." - Cam Besse, DLE Advisory Board Member, Account Executive, Berkshire Fairfield Insurance Agency
  • The openness and willingness of the DLE community to connect with new members, encourage them to do their best, and support them during these trying times has been invaluable.  In a world where we can mostly only connect with people virtually this year, I have never felt alone nor isolated thanks to the wonderful DLE community." - Kaled Rocha, Financial Advisor, Merrill Lynch Wealth Management
  • As difficult as this year has been for so many of us, when we can take some time and find something good in our lives, it totally makes a world of difference.  Thank you for all the work you do!  I can say the DLE has been such a wonderful experience in my life this year - for that I am very thankful!" - Nicole Hall, Advanced ILS Technician, General Dynamics Mission Systems
  • I really look forward to the 10-second poll results in the HUB newsletter.  I believe it helps keep the pulse on what is happening with the DLE community and is a quick litmus test.  I like it so much, I have done it with my own organization.  I appreciate the help and only wish I had found DLE earlier in my career." - Nicole Ferry, Special Agent in Charge, CSX Police Department
  • For years, I've been blessed by the energy, community, and camaraderie of the DLE network.  While networking and learning opportunities have always been high quality, it's truly the people who make it such a special experience." - Dr. Andrea Lein, PHD, Clinical Psychologist, and DLE Retreat Faculty Member
  • I had tons of fun on the Breakfast Club zoom.  Hearing from such interesting people was fantastic and it sounds like the DLE experience has been transformative for many." - Tim Goggins, Associate Dean of Admissions at Blair Academy
  • My mission in life is to serve and pour inspiration and motivation into people daily.  The DLE provided a platform to share my story among entrepreneurs and professionals from all different backgrounds at the Breakfast Club." - Lou Alexander, CEO/Founder of BIG A88 JOGGER
  • The DLE is centered around the connections between interesting people and impactful conversations." - Nicole Hall, Advanced Integrated Logistics Support Technician, General Dynamics Mission Systems
  • Linda Dulye is the real deal creating community and adding value to our lives as professionals.  If you could benefit from a safe space for mentoring which will help you troubleshoot and navigate the real world after college, join the DLE community." - Nayma Silver, Founder & Executive Director, Project Beauty Experience Inc.
  • When invited to speak at the DLE Breakfast Club, I was immediately excited when I learned that we would be meeting virtually at 7AM.  I am a firm believer that early birds get the worms and it was just that.  Everyone was attentive, curious and genuinely cared about my story and advice.  Many of the participants were still on the video call an hour after we finished the formal program just to ask questions and soak up knowledge.  What a wonderful community, experience and initiative to inspire our next generation of thinkers and entrepreneurs of all ages!  Much love and respect to Linda Dulye for curating such a safe, diverse and thoughtful space for the community. " - Derrell Smith, Former NFL Player, Owner of 99EATS, Creator of Amazeballs
  • Thank you so much for bringing me into your wonderful community.  It was such a pleasure to be there and see what an amazing group you've cultivated.   Whenever I chat or speak, it is always centered around fitness, and it was such a change-up for me to be able to talk about risk-taking in business!" - Gina DiNapoli, Founder/Owner, JABS by Gina
  • I look forward to Friday Mornings with the DLE Breakfast Club.  I love waking up, making a coffee and tuning into a new topic that I can learn and grow form.  The sense of community, even virtually, is what keeps me coming back for more." - Beth Gilbert, Youth Case Manager, 18 Degrees